Key Findings


Public School Demographics, 2015–16

School Type Students Demographic Shares
White Black Hispanic Asian Other Low-Income LEP IDEA
Charter Schools
All Public Schools
Source: Enrollment and race data are calculated from the 2015–16 Common Core of Data. Low-income (free or reduced-price lunch) data are also calculated from the 2015–16 Common Core of Data for all states except Massachusetts and New York, which were missing free or reduced-price lunch data for 2015–16 and for which 2014–15 data was used instead. LEP (limited English proficiency) and IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) data are from the 2015–16 Civil Rights Data Collection.

Racial Exposure in Public Schools

Racial Composition of Average Student’s School, by Race of Student

Source: 2015–16 Common Core of Data.

Low-Income Exposure in Public Schools

Share of Classmates Receiving Free- or Reduced-Price Lunch in Average Student’s School, by Race of Student

Source: Race data are from the 2015–16 Common Core of Data. Low-income (free or reduced-price lunch) data are also from the 2015–16 Common Core of Data for all states except Massachusetts and New York, which were missing free or reduced-price lunch data for 2015–16 and for which 2014–15 data was used instead.

Public School Dissimilarity Index

For Top Five Counties with Largest Charter School Enrollment, 2015–16
County # Charters Charter Enrollment Dissimilarity Index
District Only Including Charters Change

Source: 2015–16 Common Core of Data.

Charter School Policies Supporting Integration

1. Selective Admissions Requirements Prohibited

Does the state specify that charter schools may not use any admissions requirements (must be open to any student eligible to attend a regular public school)?

Does the state specify that charter schools may not charge any fees other than those charged by other public schools?

Does the state specify that charter schools may not require mandatory parent volunteer hours?

Does the state specify that charter schools must abide by a general non-discrimination provision (with respect to race/ethnicity and other categories)?

Does the state specify that charter schools must “backfill” to enroll new students when students leave the school?

2. Transportation Provided and Funded

Does the state include requirements and funding for the transportation of charter school students that are similar to those that apply to district students?

3. Free and Reduced-price Meals Provided

Does the state require all charter schools to participate in the federal free and reduced-price lunch program (or to provide a comparable free meals program)?

4. Reporting on Discipline and Student Attrition Required

Does the state require charter schools to report data on student discipline and re-enrollment rates and make this data available to the public?

5. Enrollment Preferences to Promote Diversity Allowed

Does the state either explicitly allow or not prohibit charter schools to consider diversity-related factors (such as socioeconomic status or educational risk factors) in their lottery to encourage integration?

6. Charters Encouraged to Serve and Reflect Diverse Communities

Does the state allow charter schools to enroll students from multiple school districts or across a region, without requiring a preference for in-district students?

Does the state not restrict charter school location to high-poverty districts or otherwise prohibit charter schools from locating in racially and socioeconomically diverse areas?

Does the state require charter schools to set enrollment targets based on the demographics of the communities served and take steps to reach those targets?

7. Unified Enrollment Supported

Does the state require or support unified enrollment systems?

8. Authorizers Review Diversity of Charter School Enrollment

Does the state require authorizers to consider the diversity of the student body (with respect to categories such as race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, language, and disability) as part of charter school application and renewal decisions, including an analysis of the charter school’s effect on enrollment demographics in district schools?

9. Diverse Outreach Plans Required

Does the state require authorizers to ask charter applicants for detailed plans regarding how they will disseminate information to prospective students and parents, including efforts to reach families with diverse racial, ethnic, linguistic, and socioeconomic backgrounds and students with disabilities?

10. Authorizer Accountability Possible

Does the state have the ability to review authorizer performance?

Does the state have the ability to sanction authorizers?


Does the state include any other notable provisions with respect to diversity, including supports for English Language Learners (ELLs) or students with disabilities (SWDs)?


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